Monday, July 14, 2008

New This Goodly Land Logo!

As you can see, we have a beautiful new logo for This Goodly Land! It was created by Auburn University Graphic Design student Katie Corven. The curved lines represent both the pages of an open book and the undulations of the Alabama landscape. The green color suggests the lushness of Alabama's forests and agriculture, while the blue reminds us of her waterways.

Ms. Corven designed the logo at the request of a group of Auburn University graduate students in the Department of Communication and Journalism. This past spring, Lauren Mobley, Marisa Webb, Carrie Reif, Shannon Gally, and Carey Moore created an outline for a publicity campaign for This Goodly Land as part of their Public Relations Campaigns class.

In the next year or so, we will be expanding on their efforts and implementing more of the ideas in their campaign. We are extremely grateful for all their great ideas and hard work.

View the MySpace page that the students created for This Goodly Land.

Midge Coates, Project Manager
This Goodly Land: Alabama's Literary Landscape

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